Want to Upgrade Your Brain? STOP Doing This!

The brain is your body’s control center—it’s the “Operating System” that manages your thoughts, movements, decisions, and even the rate at which you age. But just like any system, it can be upgraded or, unfortunately, downgraded, depending on how you treat it.


One of the most powerful tools your brain has is neuroplasticity. This means your brain is constantly rewiring itself based on your actions and habits. But here’s the problem: most people unknowingly damage their brains through toxic habits that can degrade its function over time.


Let’s dive into eight common habits that are sabotaging your brainpower—and more importantly, how to stop them. We’ll start with the “big rocks” of brain health and work our way into the less obvious but still damaging habits.


#1 – Stop Neglecting the Basics


If you’re not handling the essentials—sleep, exercise, and nutrition—you’re setting your brain up for failure.


Sleep isn’t just downtime. It’s when your brain resets, processes information, and clears out waste. If you’re skimping on sleep, you’re essentially trying to run a high-performance engine with the “check engine” light flashing.


Exercise is a brain booster. Moving your body pumps oxygen and feel-good chemicals into your brain, keeping it sharp and energized. Without regular movement, your brain becomes sluggish.


Nutrition is fuel. A poor diet filled with junk food and processed sugars doesn’t just hurt your waistline—it clogs up the brain’s ability to function efficiently.


personal training


If you’re not nailing these basics, your brain’s performance will slowly decline over time.


Solution: For the next 21 days, pick one habit to improve in each area: sleep, exercise, and nutrition. Journal your progress. Maybe it’s going to bed 30 minutes earlier, walking for 20 minutes every day, or cutting out processed sugar. You’ll be surprised at the mental clarity you gain just from focusing on these fundamentals.


#2 – Stop Being Metabolically Unhealthy


One of the biggest threats to your brain’s health is poor metabolic function. When your body is inflamed, your brain suffers the consequences.


So, what does it mean to be metabolically unhealthy? It’s defined by having at least three of the following:




When you’re metabolically unhealthy, your brain struggles to get proper blood flow, inflammation skyrockets, and over time, this can lead to cognitive decline, memory issues, and even mental health problems like anxiety or depression. It’s a risk factor for dementia and Alzheimer’s.


Solution: The path to becoming metabolically healthy doesn’t require perfection, but it does demand consistent action. Here’s a roadmap to get you started:


  1. Fix Your Diet: Focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods. Eliminate ultra-processed junk foods, sugary drinks, and excessive refined carbs. Replace them with vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats (like avocados and nuts), and complex carbs (like sweet potatoes or quinoa). This shift will help balance blood sugar and lower inflammation.
  2. Get Moving: Aim for a mix of cardio and strength training at least 3–5 times per week. Even if you’re pressed for time, short bursts of activity (like a 20-minute walk) can make a huge difference in reducing belly fat and improving cardiovascular health.
  3. Manage Stress: Chronic stress raises cortisol levels, which can wreak havoc on your metabolism. Incorporate stress-relief techniques into your daily routine—whether that’s meditation, yoga, or simply taking time to unwind with a book or music.
  4. Sleep Your Way to Better Health: Poor sleep not only affects your brain but also drives metabolic dysfunction. Aim for 7–8 hours of quality sleep each night by creating a bedtime routine, avoiding screens before bed, and keeping your room cool and dark.
  5. Regular Checkups: Don’t skip your annual health checkups. Regular blood work can help you catch metabolic red flags like high blood sugar or cholesterol before they become bigger issues.


The Bottom Line


Your brain is your most valuable asset, and upgrading it requires intentional effort. Start by mastering the basics—sleep, exercise, and nutrition—then work to improve your metabolic health. Small changes today can prevent long-term damage and keep your brain sharp, focused, and ready to take on life’s challenges.


What step will you take today to upgrade your brain?