5 Habits of Highly Energetic People

Ever find yourself staring at your third cup of coffee, wondering how some people manage to stay so energized and positive all day? You know the ones—the people who seem to radiate energy from the moment they wake up to when they finally wind down. Here’s the secret: it’s not just good genes or luck; it’s about the habits they commit to daily.

Let’s explore the 5 science-backed habits that keep these folks buzzing with energy—and how you can make them work for you!


1. Prioritize Sleep: The Ultimate Recharge


Highly energetic people know that quality sleep is the foundation of sustained energy. According to research, sleep is crucial for various body functions, including cognitive performance, emotional regulation, and physical health. But it’s not just about how long you sleep—it’s also about how well you sleep.


  • Science Says: Sleep studies show that adults need between 7-9 hours of sleep per night to function optimally. During sleep, our bodies repair tissues, consolidate memories, and release growth hormones that help us recover from daily activities.
  • Tip: Create a bedtime routine that works for you. Consider winding down with calming activities like reading, deep breathing exercises, or listening to soothing music. Keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet to enhance sleep quality.
  • Example: Set a consistent sleep schedule—even on weekends. Your body thrives on routine, so try hitting the sack at the same time each night. And if you struggle with “revenge bedtime procrastination,” try limiting screen time 30 minutes before sleep to reduce blue light exposure, which can interfere with your natural sleep-wake cycle.


2. Fuel Smart: Balanced Meals for Sustained Energy


Energetic people treat food as fuel. They understand that what you eat directly affects your energy levels throughout the day. Instead of quick fixes like sugary snacks or caffeine overload, they focus on balanced meals that provide steady energy.


  • Science Says: Complex carbohydrates (like whole grains), lean proteins (like chicken, fish, tofu), and healthy fats (like avocado, nuts) release energy slowly, preventing blood sugar spikes and crashes that can lead to fatigue.
  • Tip: Start with a balanced breakfast—think oatmeal with fruits and nuts or a veggie omelet with whole-grain toast. Avoid processed and inflammatory food and alcohol.
  • Example: Prep your meals in advance. On Sunday, plan your menu for the week and set aside time to prepare nutrient-dense snacks like veggie sticks with hummus or piece of fruit with almond butter on your training days. Keeping these on hand will help you avoid energy-draining junk food.


3. Move Often: Exercise for Energy, Not Exhaustion


It sounds counterintuitive, but moving more can actually give you more energy! When you exercise, your body releases endorphins—natural mood lifters that can also improve your sleep and help you feel more awake and alert.


  • Science Says: Regular physical activity increases the number of mitochondria in your cells, which boosts your body’s ability to produce energy. Exercise also improves cardiovascular health, making it easier for your heart and lungs to supply oxygen and nutrients to your tissues.
  • Tip: Incorporate movement into your daily routine, even if it’s just a 10-minute walk after lunch or a quick stretch between meetings. Short bursts of activity can be as effective as longer workouts in boosting energy.
  • Example: Try a morning workout. Starting your day with movement—whether it’s yoga, a brisk walk, or a short HIIT session—can help you feel more alert and set a positive tone for the rest of the day.



4. Hydrate Constantly: Water is Your Best Friend


Dehydration is one of the quickest ways to sap your energy. Even mild dehydration can cause fatigue, mood changes, and difficulty concentrating. Energetic people make hydration a priority throughout the day.


  • Science Says: Water is crucial for maintaining the function of every system in your body. It aids in digestion, regulates body temperature, and helps transport nutrients to give you the energy you need to function.
  • Tip: Aim for at least 8 cups (2 liters) of water per day. Adjust based on your activity level, climate, and body size. If plain water is boring, try infusing it with fruits, cucumber, or mint.
  • Example: Keep a water bottle at your desk and set reminders to take a sip every 30 minutes. Consider starting your day with a glass of water before you reach for that cup of coffee—it jumpstarts your metabolism and rehydrates your body after a night’s sleep.


5. Spend Time in Nature: Boost Your Mood and Energy Naturally


There’s a reason why a walk in the park can feel so rejuvenating. Sunlight, fresh air, and nature’s beauty have profound effects on our mental and physical well-being. Energetic people make it a point to get outside, even for a few minutes each day.


  • Science Says: Exposure to sunlight increases serotonin levels—a hormone associated with boosting mood and energy. Studies have also shown that time spent in green spaces can reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance cognitive function.
  • Tip: Aim for at least 20-30 minutes outdoors each day. Take your lunch break outside, walk to a nearby park, or simply sit on a bench and soak up the sun.
  • Example: Combine habits—exercise outdoors. Whether it’s a jog in the park, yoga in your backyard, or a hike on the weekend, exercising in nature can double the benefits for your energy and mood.



Small Changes, Big Energy


Feeling more energized doesn’t happen overnight, but by adopting these habits, you can start making small, sustainable changes that will lead to more vibrant, energized days. Remember, energy is not just something you’re born with—it’s something you can cultivate through the right choices.


At ONE, we’re here to support you on this journey, whether through our expertly designed fitness classes, personalized coaching, or simply being part of a community that understands the struggles of a busy life. Let’s work together to create the energetic, balanced lifestyle you deserve!


Ready to energize your life? Join us at ONE and take the first step today!